Los Angeles, CA

Creative Riding Episode 104 “Straight Blabbin”

Ordinary riders doing extraordinary things

Creative Riding Episode 104 “Straight Blabbin”

Brappy Holidays.

Chris and I sit around and straight blab for you.
Yes, Jared Mees did some record breaking things this year.
Yes, Ferran Cardus is a Spanish Flat Track Racer.
Yes, there WAS a Vulcan 500.
Yes, if you want to make it rich racing, start out really, really rich first.
Yes, we all know that YOU don’t use crappy tools…

If none of this makes sense, sit back and listen.
We’re also going to get you going on your BikeEXIF build starting with the basics – the space you’re going to build in.
-Work table
-Air Compressor
– The Kitchen
That’s as good of a place to start as any.

Happy Holidays, and please share the gift of creative riding with your friends.