Los Angeles, CA

Creative Riding Episode 153 “Captain Weird Beard goes Rogan”

Ordinary riders doing extraordinary things

Creative Riding Episode 153 “Captain Weird Beard goes Rogan”

Welcome to the 153rd Installment of the Creative Riding Motorcycle Podcast.

This a whopper. Over 2GB, so I couldn’t even compress it and level it like normal. Luckily I compressed it some so that it’s not one million bytes hoggin up your data. I assume everyone listens on a phone when they should be working.

Well, about the show:
1. Shout out to a young listener. Sirena. We tried to keep it somewhat kid-friendly, but I don’t think we did a great job of that.
We also got a new Patreon supporter. Danger Dan, who also has a podcast of his own.

2. Wiggins has some substantial motorcycle news to share with us this week. We also try to count up his motorcycles.

3. Junky has some minor motorcycle news. Here is some news for Patrons: the Spooky Spokes prizes are being hand made and are taking a little bit of time. Sorry for the delay.

4. We get into week 3 of our suspension challenge. Let’s just say that’s where “Captain Weird Beard” comes from.

5. I try to break in with some old “news”. Maybe I should have called it “olds” by this time. What happens is that Chris goes Joe Rogan on us, and our show runs way long.
**WARNING** – we start talking about stuff that neither of us has any clue about. Just an FYI, there are probably more blank spots than actual poignant facts. Maybe you can help us out by contacting the show:
askwiggz@gmail.com – literally ask him anything
You can also hit the email button on our facebook page and website

Thanks listeners and Patrons! Have a great week.