Los Angeles, CA

Creative Riding Episode 241 Cait Drops In

Ordinary riders doing extraordinary things

Creative Riding Episode 241 Cait Drops In

Hey Folks!
On this week’s show Cait drops in to talk about two wheels, quilting, organizing and so much more. There was not enough time to spend with her on this week’s show, so we’re definitely going to try and have her on again… despite what t0b0r says.

Thanks for all of the feedback on our weekly questions. Some of our favorites have been using three emojis to describe this show, and how you would explain it to your mom.

To contact Cait and get in on her quilt raffle (hurry – it’s time sensitive to 12/18/20) hit her up at @caitmadethat on Instagram.
Otherwide you’ll have to be out in the wide wide world having a great time to bump into this force of nature!.

To contact the show:
FB/IG: @creativeridingpodcast
Twitter: @Creative_Rider