Featured Vid from our Favorite Fab Badger

If you’ve never listened to the Creative Riding Podcast, good for you! You’re probably a successful and healthy individual.
If you have have been a long time listener, then you know that we have a love affair with Wisconsin. If you are new to the show -hey, fart face… we Love Wisconsin!
At any rate, one of our earliest interviews was with a fabulous fabricator and drag racer from Wisco named Nitrous Chris.
Famous for his quick wits and good looks, he was also somewhat of a legend in Waukesha (pronounced Uhp-yer-butt-with-ei-koh-koh-nut). His nitrous-breathing junkyard contraption started life as a street bike, and still remains street legal to this day. We have been following his journey along watching him race and build along the way.
A while back, he quit sending us written bike tips and did the easy thing – produce, film, edit and post vids on his YouTube channel. Today we wanted to welcome him back from a brief hiatus, as we ourselves have come back from a hiatus of our own.
He loves to explore, create, invent and fabricate. Along the way, and inherently in his anecdotes, he like to teach. So sit back, watch a vid and learn something.