Lowbrow Customs Ride-In Movie

Have you ever been to a drive in movie? You and 300 of your favorite friends all together in a parking lot, but simultaneously inside your own private viewing booth. If you are between the age of 25-50, it’s possible that it was a mating booth, and you can thank Porky’s or One Crazy Summer for your conception.

The audio quality was based on your vehicle’s sound system, because you tuned your radio to a local broadcast of the movie’s soundtrack. Or if you frequented the Santee Drive-In like I did as a kid, you hung a tinny, treble heavy, cast aluminum speaker that was hardwired to the lot, and was specifically designed to hang on your car window. After a 6-pack of Natural Lite and a couple of pulls from the vodka bottle, you’d be lucky if dad or your uncle didn’t drive off before remembering to hang the speakers back on the poles that separated parking spots. There sure were a lot of missing speakers and broken glass on the ground at the Sunday Swapmeet that used the lot in the daytime.
At any rate, if you’ve never had the chance to experience a Drive-In Movie, Lowbrow Customs is offering you the chance! So what’s the catch? You have to be in Ohio this weekend.
Here are a few words from Lowbrow Customs, and if you find yourself wondering how to celebrate Patriot Day- America’s most awkward holiday- then look no further than the Auto-O-Rama (which would be pronounced WAAYY different if it didn’t have the dashes in it.)

4-wheeled vehicles are welcome as well as motorcycles. Be sure to bring a portable radio (the Aut-O-Rama has about 20 radios they rent out for $8.50 each with a driver’s license as a deposit, but these will probably all rent out, so don’t depend on these as your first option!) so you can listen to the audio during the movie! A good plan could be to ride out with a group of friends and have one person drive a vehicle with camp chairs, a radio and some beverages!
Lowbrow Customs
The Auto-O-Rama Twin Drive-In Theatre is located here:
33395 Lorain Rd, North Ridgeville, OH 44039-3445
Peace, grease and remember a radio! P.S. It’s probably harder to make babies inconspicuously if you’re on a motorcycle, but you’re clever and I think you’ll figure something out. 🙂
-Creative Riding