Los Angeles, CA

Creative Riding Ep 061:” the World is Flat”

Creative Riding Ep 061:” the World is Flat”

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Welcome to episode 61.

Is that world Flat? It is if you’re into flat track racing!
Last weekend we attended the IV League’s season opener in Del Mar, CA. There were thrills, there were spills, and there were grilles!
Racers camped out overnight for the two day event which kicked off the racing action for the team at IV League.
There was no shortage of bikes, vendors, and bar-banging action.

I also discuss common knowledge about the AMA American Flat Track series and the factory racing team that Harley-Davidson has assembled to take on the Indian Motorcycle Company’s Wrecking Crew.

With Harley-Davidson in the lime light, there is news about H-D execs meeting with President Trump, as well as news that H-D is planning on driving sales over the next 5 years with 50 new bikes. I say 50 “new” bikes.

Then, I blab and ramble with company. Is that a surprise?
In an effort to touch on an article that is in the works, I got a chance to talk with a real human (not just myself!) about what attracts people to bikes, how that used to be part of the MC industry and attracting new riders, and how that can affect what bike you chose to make yours- whether you’re building it or buying it.

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