Los Angeles, CA

Creative Riding Episode 057- “This is the End”

Creative Riding Episode 057- “This is the End”

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Hey all, welcome to Episode 57!!

This episode is primarily about flat track and the Superprestigio.

I’m looking forward to 2017 and all of the exciting changes coming to the American Flat Track Program.

In the first segment we’ll discuss the Superprestigio, the results, the rides, and what it could mean for American Flat Track racers.

We’ll also talk about the growth and rebranding of American Flat Track and the contrast with past iterations.

Lastly I’d like to talk about a few things that I heard on other podcasts:

Motorcycle Men: Ted gives a great speech at the end of the last show for 2016!

Throttled: Larry can’t figure out why he’s got oil on his pants.

Loud Pipes: The guys mourn the fact that America never gets the good bikes.

Have a safe and wonderful Holiday Season!!
Cheers!- The Producer

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