Creative Riding Episode 110 ” Are you Feeling Lucky Punk?”

Motorcycles, roasts, DIY garages, influencers, Giving a Shift about the future. This is episode 110.
Hey, I didin’t even realize that the dumb dumb Superbowl was happening this weekend until I watched Jimmy Fallon just a few minutes ago. Is that still a thing?
There is so much more happening this weekend, I hope I’m not alone when I say I’ll be out enjoying the twisties and blue skies.
Before we begin, I’d like to encourage you to take a ride over to and use the link to buy yourself a mug from Zazzle! You’re worth it! In the spirit of the show, you can even customize it and send us pics.
Part one: This week, we’re coming to you from another garage. Instead of a radical customs and scooter hop-up shop, we headed to downtown L.A. for a peek inside Lucky Wheels Garage.
For those in the know, Lucky Wheels is a DIY shop that offers a place to hang as well as a place to wrench, build, and learn. You’ll hear more about it, so I don’t want to give it away, but let’s just say they are a big deal in Los Angeles’ motorcycle subculture. Ty and Jackson were gracious hosts, and we are grateful for their hospitality.
Our guests are Diggs & Ghost, two young enthusiasts who love motorbikes, and decided to share their passion after their college days were over. They engage riders and non-riders alike through their humor and their YouTube videos. I saw them speak at the Give a Shift Happy Hour a couple of weeks ago, and now YOU get to hear their story, and learn what they are doing to make the two-wheeled life more livable.
Part two: Roast my bike… Well, let’s just say we had some back up this time. There’s nothing like roasting a bike with 2 garage founders and 2 funny-guys around to help land blows. This time the victim is a helpless 2002 SV650 “Custom”. But aren’t they all? And what does “custom” really imply?
Much thanks to listener Lawrence from Arizona (but we think you should root for the Chiefs instead of the Cardinals) for sending in his bike to get the (Kansas City) Royal treatment.
Part three: Wiggins and I shoot the shit on our ride home from Lucky Wheels and talk about DIY garages, new riders, e-bikes, and you get to hear directions to his house via Waze.
We also talk about other countries where people ride 50-125cc bikes with 12 people on them or drag race with nothing more than flip flops and shorts on.
Part 4: I tell you what’s happening in the next few weeks even though I have no clue. And I leave you with the song that I promised you at the end of last week’s show. It’s by me. Don’t get excited.
Check out Diggs and Ghost:
also on FB and IG at @DiggsandGhost
Check out Lucky Wheels:
also on FB and IG at @LuckyWheelsGarage
Thanks for listening. Have a great day.
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