Los Angeles, CA

Creative Riding Episode 137 “Jet Lagged”

Creative Riding Episode 137 “Jet Lagged”

Hello. This is episode 137

I am about to eat a pillow. I have been back in California for about 24 hours. 4 of those on a plane and in a car. I am jet lagged and tired.

Wiggins is not in the country, and frankly, I don’t think my brain is either.
I learned a lot on my visit to Virginia/Washington D.C. Lots about electric charging, ITS infrastructure, and lots about ‘Murica.
I ranted in the beginning and edited it out, so if you hear me talking about my “historical rant” later in the show, it’s not there anymore for reference.
I learned a lot about instant rain for those of you EAST of the Rockies. It got wet fast, and now I get the importance of rain gear. I just don’t know what it looks like.
I’ve made a few connections in the electric motorcycle field, and i’ve come across a few eMoto rags as well. I’ll talk a little about the global companies that our own Zero, H-D, Alta, etc. have to battle with for market share.
I barely had time to look up the Flat Track and Hooligan race results, and I DEFINITELY look forward to watching them now that I’m back.
I have also been catching up on podcasts, and I recommend Motorcycles & Misfits SoCal adventures episode. We had fun and it was great hearing about their version of what went down.

This show is phoned in. Not literally, but definitely everything that was bobbing around my brain while I was out of town came crashing out after I sat down at the microphone. Next week will be a little more organized.

e-mail us:
creativeridingpodcast@gmail.com or
check us out on the webs and leave a review when you have the time.
Thanks e’ry body! Wheels up, kickstands down.