Creative riding Episode 165 “Rants and Faceplants”

Welcome to Episode 165
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1. Quick intro topics
i.Euro 5 coming next year – “Air-cooled engines are inevitably threatened each time there’s a new bout of emissions regulations, and Euro 5 is no different”
ii. I reported last week that BRP snatched up Faster Faster Inc.assets. A&R put it best, “ For Alta Motors, this surely signals the end of the road for the startup company, as it seems unlikely that an investor would choose to restart the brand without having access to its key technology components and talented staff. RIP Alta.”
iii Romano Fenati back to race w/Marinelli Snipers
iv. WSSP300
2. ASK WIGGS deep dive from Jason Gulmire via Facebook
–“Got a question for ask Wiggs. I’ve been going to Flat Out Friday for the last 3 years. Over those three years the hooligan class has evolved. They went from stock bikes that you could tell someone just did a few mods for racing, to purpose built race bikes. At least that’s how they look from the stands. Are there rules in place to help keep costs down for people? If not, is there talk about doing so? It’s the nature of the beast when it comes to racing. Things always evolve into monsters when their [sic] not kept in check. And even when there are rules in place, the really ambitious find ways around them. Hopefully I’ll here [sic] your answer on the show!” –
“We should do a 4 way show with me and Singsime about racing costs. I came from the bracket racing scene and just started to heads up race recently. Bracket racing it doesnt matter how much you spend….. In theory. Lol. But often times it’s not the person who spends the most is the one who wins.” — Jason G
3. Crash stories inspiration for Solstice Slam.
a. Jarvish Helmets. Gear. Technology
b. SMRC follow up from last episode –
The Safer Motorcycling Research Consortium (SMRC) was incorporated in 2019 as an industry-led non-profit organization composed of motorcycle manufacturers, suppliers, research organizations, and other relevant stakeholders with a focus on advancing on-road motorcyclist safety.
As an OEM oriented organization, cooperate on pre-competitive research focusing on:
The integration of motorcycling into the modern transportation ecosystem.
Enhancing and improving infrastructure and operations to advance traffic safety and protect the motorcycle rider and passenger.
Improving Human Factor elements that affect motorcyclist safety.
c. GLOSA New Audi tech (that might be shared with Ducati as part of the C-V2X system that they announced at CES) lets you ‘ride the green wave’ reducing red lights and hopefully the need to split/share lanes and possible rear-endings (that’s what she said)
3. 3 questions – Question cards and close show
Solstice Slam IV episode will air 3/22. Get your submissions in before that!!
• Call (704) 563- 2058 and leave message or send your stuff to
Thanks CreativeNation!!!