Los Angeles, CA

Creative Riding Episode 179 “Starting with the Green Flag first”

Creative Riding Episode 179 “Starting with the Green Flag first”

Welcome to episode 179
On this episode, we talk a little bit of nonsense, and quickly dial in to our guest. On this week’s show, we yak with Tony from Shred Moto Co.
If you haven’t been a long time listener, Tony and Eric were on about a year and a half ago when we talked to them about racing Dynas/FXs on the tack.

1. It’s not everyday that you see some fools on large displacement Hogs trying to drag knee on a road course. But Tony and Eric from Jiffytune turned out to be those guys. Now, a year and a half later, we catch up and find out what Tony is up to, and what the Harley race group is up to in general.

2. We also talk about the Isle of man on this episode. There will probably be a junkpile on lots of the stuff that we just didn’t have time to make it to these past couple of weeks, but the IOM TT is by far one of the most important to the Junkman!! It’s my favorite form of road racing. This year’s TT was historic.

3. We also talk to Tony about starting over. Since the last time we talked, Tony has made several changes as a business owner, a father and thanks to an old injury, a racer. He gives us the lowdown and we all talk about what keeps riding new for us. What challenges us is often what inspires us.
Check out Tony on IG

Thanks to our supporters on Patreon. Without them the show would not be possible. IF you want to become a patron, visit www.patreon.com/creativeriding

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To contact the show:
FB/IG: @creativeridingpodcast
Twitter: @Creative_Rider

