Creative Riding Episode 185 “JJ&B Sandwich”

Welcome to episode 185 of the Creative Riding Motorcycle Podcast on the internet.
On episode 185 Jae gets her retribution on Wiggins since he is absent from the studio this week.
On the last episode, Wiggins and Junk ripped on Jae a little because she wasn’t there to defend herself. We made fun of her socks and her safety record.
This week on the show she comes back to talk about her actual safety record and discuss some bad habits that riders exhibit. All of the reflection and introspection on her latest accident has her thinking about what went wrong.
What do you do that you need to change?
Jae also has a better crash record than Valentino Rossi, with only 3 significant crashes in over 75,000 miles of commuting. Her commutes were through pretty rough Los Angeles traffic to boot.
After Jae and I ramble for a bit, we are joined by Brian Gosney, one of the Motorcycle Podcasters Challenge riders for team Creative Riding. He offers some insights about this years MPC and what we can do to improve next year’s challenge.
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Twitter: @Creative_Rider