Creative Riding Episode 188 “This is not 189”

On this episode we try out our Discord server for Patrons
Let’s see how that goes.
We have some news this week from Harley-Davidson.
The new suite of available rider aids is the hot topic of the week.
Alternative Wiggins joins Jae as the conversation about rider skills and tech expectations unfolds.
Jae also had a question about Alertonators vs Genardorators.
BMW motorcycles commonly use them. Which one?
Junky tells all.
An alien steals some bread from your pocket and a battery appears in the temple. WTF? Yeah. That’s about how this show went.
Please check the front page of for upcoming events around the United States. If your elsewhere, get with the times.
Thanks to our supporters on Patreon. Without them the show would not be possible. IF you want to become a patron, visit
please leave a rating or review in your podcast app. it will let others know that you’re mildly amused and improve our visibility.
To contact the show:
FB/IG: @creativeridingpodcast
Twitter: @Creative_Rider