Creative Riding Episode 253 “Crashing into a Road” Creative-Riding Podcast · Creative Riding Episode 253 Crashing into a road
Creative Riding Episode 253
Welcome to Creative Riding, the shittiest motorcycle podcast in England. Because we are in Los Angeles, CA. USA, and everyone knows that Front End Chatter is Britain’s best.
On this week’s show we talk about this wonderful crap:
W.O.W. – this week’s word of the week = profession
Announcements – got some mail and will start shipping the MPC2021 stuff out to riders. Will not include bacon or a Klobman pickle after last year’s unfortunate customs mishap.
Solstice Slam patron will also be selected via random feat of strength or prowess this year.
Super 73 turns 5 years old. Celebration this weekend at Hangar 24 in Irvine. See you there?
Main Topic: Crashing
Junky’s Harbor Freight pick of the week:…-pc-68511.html
Call to action: Send in a challenge of strength or prowess that you think would be good to determine the Patron winner of Solstice Slim.
leave us a review in iTunes or wherever you get your podcast.
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