Creative Riding Episode 333- My Favorite Monkeys

Hi everyone and welcome to Episode 333!!
We have a special guest on this show, and if they’re not careful…after a couple more podcast call-ins – I’m going to start telling people we’re friends!
Mark Agustyn sat down with me and we discussed the latest book that he and his wife Nancy cowrote in the Mimi and Moto series.
Mimi and Moto are monkeys who engage children to learn and read through their love of motorcycles!
Their latest adventure takes place in the couple’s first chapter book. The story unfolds to tell the tale of how Mimi and Moto came to be the amazing characters that they are. It’s 113 pages of adventure and the reading is enjoyable whether you’re 6 years old or 126 (like good ol’ Junky!)

Mark and I discussed much more than the book, so sit back and listen to the conversation as we talk about everything from A to Z in regards to Mimi & Moto, Motorcycles and much much more monkey business.
For all of the information on Mark and his family’s company, head over to the web here: and
Check out our new Discord server The Parking Lot to get chats started with other creative riders. Find the link on our blog’s main page.
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