Creative Riding Episode 334 – Will this be the last show?

Welcome to Episode 334. Will this be the last show?
In this episode Junk and t0b0r talk about:
1. Junk’s advice for lane sharing and filtering for those riders in states where it’s becoming legal.
2. Junk and t0b0r talk about what BUMMERS they see in the motorcycle industry currently (there are many)
3. Junk and t0b0r talk about what HUMMERS (humdingers? humming along? it’s not a great title) they have seen lately. This includes a scathing indictment of the Handbuilt Show even though it was good to go to a bike show. Also Junk rambles about MotoGP’s positive influence on technology as if there aren’t enough MotoGP podcasts out there.
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Contact Kim: @dawsonzfreak on IG
Contact Mike: @619mikemedia on IG
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Contact Junky: FB/IG: @creativeridingpodcast
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