Creative Riding Episode 99: “Wrapping Up”

Motorcycles, Art/Artists, Dancing, Music, Stunts, Freestyle BMX, Drag Racing, Flat Track, Crashes, Drama- This episode has it all.
Welcome to episode 99! This is a wrap.
In the studio we have OC Jenn (@skeeterhornacek on IG) to help us wrap up a few motor-related issues.
In this episode we wrap up:
1. The motor challenge – Even though Chris won the motor challenge 4 -1, he still wanted to pull out some finishing moves (a-la Mortal Kombat) and smash my already pulverized list of “zany” motors to bits. I’ll allow it. This week the NR500/NR750 wheelies right over the 1921 Megola radial engined “motorcycle”.
2.As EICMA wraps, we’ll talk about a couple of bikes that we have no idea about. With IMS coming up next week, we’ll have more for you after that.
3.The inaugural and penultimate SoCal motorcycle event rolled through town- Twisted Throttles took over Ramona/Barona in San Diego County. We were there taking in all of the festivities, and we’ll give you a wrap up of what went down.
There were RWYB Drags, Flat Track, lots of vendors, awesome camping, rural rides, classy Burlesque, Music, BMX, etc.
Let’s not forget one of the most important components – the artists that make Creative Riding, well…creative!
Painter Rick Ortiz:
Mixed media on wood
instagram: @SAE_CA
Photographer Bradley Petruchik
Photos galore! Nicest guy ever!
instagram: @bradleympetruchik
Illustrator Nate Biccum
Rad moto illustrations. A comedian waiting to happen!
instagram: @n8biccum and #n8illustrate
Illustrator Caroline Perron
quirky mixed media, oui oui!
instagram: @caro74happy
Thanks to @Twisted_Throttles_So_Cal , Brian, Blake and the whole crew for putting on the first of many cool events. Also thanks to co-host Chris (@wiggzero9) and Jenn (@skeeterhornacek) for hanging out at the event, and Geoff Patrick for all the banter and just plain hanging out in the pits.
What a week… now on to IMS.
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