Episode 337: Movie Commentary- Swarm and Destroy

Hey Ladles and Germs, welcome to Episode 337!
Well, the time has come for Creative Riding to do a movie commentary episode.
Now that Harley-Davidson is on the verge of social woke collapse, and all the damn other bikes are from damn Chinese – I guess it’s time for all of the freedom lovin’ brothers left over to commit to the the final offering… German Mopeds.
On today’s episode, Junk sits down and watches a moped movie from 2002. To join along, here is the link
I hope you enjoy the music and the hair as much as I did. Highlights include the guy with five names chasing some thieves down the street almost naked, and the guy whose moped went one way while his leg went the other. There’s a little bit of everything for everybody.
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