Episode 339: It’s Damper not Dampener

Welcome to Episode 339: We don’t want to Damp your Spirits or Dampen your Spirits. We just wanna party and ride motorcycles.
On this week’s show there is discussion of political events, industry events and supernatural conspiracy events.
Aside from barely touching on the Labor Day shenanigans, the outline for Solstice Slam is discussed.
Weekly Challenge: Go find and photograph a DUMB entrance.
Call to action- leave reviews, interact, etc.
Show contact info
Creative Riding is available on Apple Podcasts, Sound Cloud, Google Play, Tune In, Spotify, etc. Leave the show a rating and review on your favorite podcast app.
Contact Kim: @dawsonzfreak on IG
Contact Mike: @619mikemedia on IG
Contact t0b0r: tobor.cr@gmail.com
Check out our blog: creative-riding.com
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Discord: discord.gg/3kzhhChcUj
Email: creativeridingpodcast@gmail.com
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