Los Angeles, CA

¿Que Paso?

Ordinary riders doing extraordinary things

¿Que Paso?


I went upload Wiggins’ rant this weekend after the Californian, and ¡que lastima! it’s gone! I edited it but cleared a lot of the files off of my laptop to preserve space. Apparently it was one of the files to go.
I have been using a new editor, and it is memory intensive. I erase everything now after a few days.
On the bright side, he didn’t really want it getting out anyways, and said the only patrons could hear it, as it could’ve jeopardized some stuff that he has in the works. 

On another note, I have a Junkpile (No. 2 – no pun intended!) coming out with loads of bonus Wiggins content from the road. My question is, would you rather have it separate or lumped together with this week’s show?
I feel like lumped together it plays a little like listening to your favorite radio station for a couple hours. Back to back shows that are separate but equal.
On the other hand, who listens to random radio anymore, given all the technology and content that is pretty much steering us away from that as a society?

Let me know how you want it to play out, and I’ll make it so after we record this week’s show. (It will be too hard to lump them together before we record a show. Damn near impossible, actually, since there won’t be a show to lump it with)

Thanks Patrons and friends! Look forward to some great stuff coming up this month.