Los Angeles, CA

SA2015 Helmets

Ordinary riders doing extraordinary things

SA2015 Helmets

So, I noticed that there are about 3,000 messages in my inbox just in the last week alone. Every single Motorcycle Gear Vendor that I’ve ever visited or bought from is vying for my attention. They are peddling all sorts of helmets. Halloween Sale helmets, pre-Black Friday helmets, extended sale helmets, etc.

Pile ‘o helmets

Why are all of these companies trying to sell me helmets? How the hell did they know my helmet is starting to fall apart anyhow?

Well, it turns out that maybe they don’t have webcams and fortune tellers working around the clock to keep an eye on the condition of my helmet. Perhaps it has more to do with the fact that the SA2015 Snell standards went into effect recently. October 1st to be exact. Beginning Oct 1 the changes to the SA2010 helmet safety standards went into effect, directly superseded by the SA2015 standards.
This doesn’t mean that you have to toss your prized skid lid if it’s SA2010. Snell does, however, recommend that you swap your brain bucket out every 5 years, which is pretty sound advice.

Have you ever noticed that when your buddy loans you an old helmet to ride, the foam compresses once, then sits on your head like a wet turban – loose and unforgiving. Whether you’re male or female, if you have lamb chops like Guy Martin’s when you take your helmet off after a ride, it may be time to get a new polycarbonate hair-styler. If your helmet slides around from wind at 35mph….yeah, you need a new one.

Just be careful what you buy since I suspect that the recent flurry of sales and advertisements for helmets could possibly be distributors looking at their looming soon-to-be-obsolete stock piles of novelty helmets and wondering if they can sell them as Halloween candy pails or hipster purses once the SA2015 stock arrives.
