Los Angeles, CA

Author: Creative-Riding

Ordinary riders doing extraordinary things

Creative Riding Episode 107 “Just as Worse”

Motorcycles, roasts, CAN-Bus, suppliers, what els…

San Diego Mods Vs Rockers

San Diego Mods vs Rockers Ride coming up. Hopefully we can make it and see you there! Posted by Creative Riding on Saturday, January 6, 2018

Creative Riding Episode 106 “Rose colored glasses”

motorcycles and riding is what it’s all about. no…

Creative Riding Episode 105 “Happy New Year’

Brappy New Year

Junk Terdman and Hooligan Jesus …

Creative Riding Episode 104 “Straight Blabbin”

Brappy Holidays.

Chris and I sit around and stra…

Mugs for sale…

Hey everybody, it’s not too latte to order a mug for yourself. My apologies for the lame play on words. I’m really excited to say that I decided that I wanted something to slug caffeine, hooch or plain old water out of. Something that tells the world that you’re sophisticated and you know what you’re…
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Creative Riding Episode 103 “The Build Intro”

Motorcycles, Builds, Custom Tips & Tricks


Building a bike: Introduction

On episode 103 of the Creative Riding Motorcycle Podcast, we’re going to be talking about building bikes. There will be a nice interview with someone who rebuilt a bike, but we’re going to focus more on building a bike to your specifications. This means that we’re going to try and talk about where to start…
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Creative Riding Episode 102 “The Shocker”

This is the future of motorcycling. Clean 2-strok…

Creative Riding Episode 101 “IMS Recap”

Motorcycles, Gear, Custom Builds, Interviews… i…

Creative Riding Episode 100

This is Creative Riding, a podcast about motorcyc…

Twisted Throttles recap:

A couple of weeks have passed since Twisted Throttles happened. For those of you who weren’t fortunate enough to be there in person, here’s a little review:

Wave to all Bikers- a friendly PSA

If you know the Motorcycles and Misfits podcast, then you know they have a pretty rad sense of humor. They are also pretty informative, knowledgeable, and have recently dropped this awesome nugget of knowledge on us. If you dont’ know them, and you listen to motorcycle podcasts, then you have been listening under a friggen…
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Creative Riding Episode 99 “Wrapping Up”

Motorcycles, Art/Artists, Dancing, Music, Stunts,…

New Logo- What do you think?

After the first year of the podcast/blog, I subtly changed the logo to a more refined one, done up in a graphics program rather than the hand-drawn one I used at first. This year I’m melding the two and hand-drawing a new image in a graphics program. It’s actually more like MSPaint a la 1996,…
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