Los Angeles, CA

Creative Riding Ep 060 “Bikes and Babies”

Creative Riding Ep 060 “Bikes and Babies”

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Hey all!

Welcome to Episode 60 of the Creative Riding Motorcycle Podcast.

This week’s creative look inside the motorcycle industry is brought to you by EBR, who has once again began the shuttering process. EBR will be winding down operations and their East Troy facility and you can find out more via the internet. I don’t know what the answer to these closing marques is, but I know that if we don’t act as a community, soon motorbikes will be like horses on the USA… an extant but outdated form of transportation that has outlived it’s usefulness to mankind.

I also throw out the idea that you just may be a better rider than a racer!  The caveat – I said a better RIDER than a racer, not a better RACER…

Part of the reason for racers being better than you is because of their environment and the current technology on race bikes. Part of the reason for you being a better rider is your ability to take the technology from race-derived development and using it in an environment that many racers wouldn’t dare to!

Then- bikes and babies. Since learning at Born Free 8 last year that Mean Muggin’ Mike and Mary Muffins Miranda were expecting, I started collecting a few stories about bikers and babies. One from a rider, a racer, an artist, and a builder regarding their exposure to motorcycling as a child, and their experience as parents.

I hope you enjoy the show and it’s ramblings.
We also cover some listener feedback and I read a craigslist.org ad for the first time.

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