Los Angeles, CA

Creative Riding Episode 122 “Two Wheels, Three Bros”

Creative Riding Episode 122 “Two Wheels, Three Bros”

Motorcycles. Racing, Concour’s d’Elegance. We’ve got them all on this week’s show.

We have a special guest in the house this week to talk about motorcycles, racing, vintage stuff, and a few of the things that he promotes.
Brady Walker is in the house! Who is that? Listen and find out.
If you remember 2016, I traveled to the Corsa Motoclassica to watch some friends in the vintage races. That was the first year that Brady had taken over some of the promotional duties of the event. It’s also happening RIGHT NOW!!!
www.corsamotoclassica.com for details. You can also check out AHRMA’s website for vintage and classic racing.

Brady’s other event that is happening NEXT WEEKEND!! (May 5th) is the Californian. This is the second year and he’s dedicated to making this family-friendly event even better. It takes place at Santa Anita Park, a famous racetrack for thoroughbreds. Like me and Wiggs.
info here: www.thecalifornian.us

remember that the cut off for Solstice Slam is MAY 30th! Fast approaching! send submissions to:

you can ask ANYTHING AT ALL here:

Hvae a great weekend!!!