Los Angeles, CA

Creative Riding Episode 123 “Wiggins’ World”

Creative Riding Episode 123 “Wiggins’ World”

Welcome to episode 123. NOT “10 year bikes”

Wiggins takes the helm and talks about his latest commute on two wheels. Hint: it was on street and dirt.

I ask Wiggins one question about Ford news… he guides us off the beaten path and we squirrel hole into a whirlwind of cheap scoots, outsourced manufacturing, Walmart, China, Rusty Butcher handmade goods, Japan, Harley Davidson, Nixon, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

I don’t even know where we go, but somehow we DO talk about Flat Track results from Texas.

Have a great weekend and get out on two wheels.

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Remember to submit your Solstice Slam entries (Art, Music, Stories, Lies, Opinions, Moto-Poetry, etc) to slam@creative-riding.com

Contact the show:
askwiggz@gmail.com (ask Wiggins ANYTHING!!)